For my final assignment in this class I was assigned to create my own website using Google Sites, the link to which you will find below. As for this class, I thoroughly enjoyed working on many of these projects, and I understand the potential of technology and the web as a tool in building my professional career.
HTML page edited
I recently made some modifications to my HTML class. The hardest part, I think, was adding the image; it was VERY hard to figure out how to make an image show up on an HTML page, yet I made it work by uploading the image to imgur first then adding the image link. You will find the new edited HTML page below:
HTML page fixed!
As you may be aware, my last link for my HTML page was having some issues. This must have been because I was using agilityhoster, which seemed to have some issues. I decided to upload the HTML document into codepen, a more modern coding site. It appears to be working now; The link is attached below.
My first HTML page!
Hello all,
For my next assignment, I have been made to create a very basic webpage using html: You will find the link attached here. /
If the link doesn’t work, I have a screenshot of my webpage below:

Second video
This week I was assigned to create a second video using the first video I had made. I cut the video down to an abridged, one-minute version made up of four 15-second clips of the full video; Both videos can be viewed below.
Queens College Library’s Facebook Page – Another Social Media Evaluation

For the last social media evaluation I chose the Instagram Profile for the library of my undergraduate institution. Now, I will make one on a Facebook page for the library of the institution which I am currently attending.
The Queens College Library’s Facebook page seems to follow an irregular pattern of posting. For one month it posts around 2 or 3 posts – then doesn’t post again until a month or two later. In my opinion this frequency just doesn’t work; I feel like in order to keep a regular posting routine, Queens College should make 1-2 posts on their library’s Facebook page per week. Additionally, the page has 550 likes and 573 followers. For a college with around 20,000 total students, this is far from enough. I feel like in order to attract more followers, Queens College should promote their library on their own Facebook page, as well as post more regular updates as I have suggested before. The page itself follows only 10 other pages; among these include the Queens Public Library, several other CUNY libraries, Queens College itself, and JSTOR. Thus it seems to follow what academic library accounts usually tend to follow; I personally feel that it should maybe follow a few other pages, namely the New York Public Library, and the rest of CUNY’s colleges and their libraries.
As for the different types of media posted by the page, it seems that most of the posts are pictures with captions on them, as well as a few videos which seem to be reposts from TikTok, or are at least made to look like TikTok videos. I appreciate the fact that they are trying to connect with their student body, and it doesn’t come off as if they’re trying too hard. The way the posts are presented definitely seems to be in a professional manner as they appear to explain everything in detail. As for engagement with other sites, it does seem to be reposting several links from its own website, which I think may be one of the reasons why it doesn’t have that many followers; perhaps more people follow its own blog (which does seem to post slightly more often) as opposed to its Facebook page.
If I were running this page, I would definitely post on it as often as the library’s main blog posts. Furthermore, I would not only make posts linking to the main blog, but would also make posts about events at the college or library in order to make the page feel as if it is more connected to Queens College itself.
My first video
My most recent assignment for this class was to post a 2-5 minute video on either YouTube or Vimeo. I decided to use Vimeo merely because I already have a personal YouTube account and preferred to create a new web account to upload videos for this course.
As you can see this video is basically just me making a sandwich and some hot cocoa in my kitchen for lunch. There’s no deep meaning to this video or anything; I merely made it for this assignment.
Edited photo assignment
I am posting this because I had to edit a photo for an assignment.

I was given a photo of a cutting board and some vegetables beside it. I downloaded the image and opened it in Paint.NET (A free image editing software). The image had a white background, so I erased it off the sides of the vegetables so that the background would be clear. Then I cut-and-pasted the vegetables into a new layer on top of the base image. I moved the tomato onto the cutting board, shrank the lettuce so that it would fit on the board, and rotated the carrot. Then I saved the edited image as a .png, effectively “flattening” the layers. I then opened the image in MS paint and cropped it to get rid of the excess space. Below, I have attached the original image.

Facebook photo gallery
Above is a link to a photo gallery I had to make for a class assignment. I chose to upload a number of photos I took throughout my time at college as an undergrad (2017-2021). I chose to make college the subject of my photo gallery because I feel as if it were a time in which I greatly changed and improved myself as a person. Before entering college I was probably at the lowest point in my life; during college, I had the opportunity to start things over, gain a new understanding of the world, and redefine who I was as a person. Upon graduating from college I definitely felt a sense of pride and accomplishment, not just in terms of academic success, but also in terms of turning my life around and becoming a smarter, happier, and more valued person.
Fixed SurveyMonkey link
It appears the SurveyMonkey link didn’t work last time around. Here’s the link again: